E-wallets are becoming increasingly prevalent in Malaysia, and it’s difficult to shop without coming across at least one option being advertised when you pay for your purchases at the cashier. L…
1. Daftar Menjadi Agen Jenama Perfume Yang Berkualiti & Unik. . Skrg makin ramai yang berminat dan start ada citarasa perfume masing-masing. Disebabkan itu, demand utk produk perfume semakin…
Abam Kie is currently teaching English at a secondary school in Kelantan. He likes to write a blog during his free time to relieve his stress after teaching rowdy but good-natured teenagers. When he is not at school, you can find him taking care of his adorable daughters while reading some books, magazines and websites to equip himself with the latest TESL methodology.