1. Lot Lidi adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh orang awam atau tuan tanah untuk jual 'Lot Bunglo' dan banyak berlaku pada tanah Malay Reserved. 2. Istilah Lot Lidi ini tiada dalam Kanu…
According to the EPF chief strategy officer recently, only 3% of contributors can afford their retirement. Over the past two years, Covid-19-related withdrawals, namely i-Sinar, i-Lestari a…
Is it possible to even save RM10 these days, let alone RM800 in 30 days? Well, with the rising cost of living in Malaysia – especially in cities like Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Penang and Joho…
Salam sejahtera semua. hari nie aku nak share camner aku buka akaun semasa (Current Account) d Maybank melalui ONLINE tanpa bawa INTRODUCER. Sebenarnya dah banyak kali aku duk mikir camner nak…
The way we pay for things has evolved greatly over the years. Instead of paying only with cash, today you can choose to pay with cash, credit card, e-wallet, or a debit card. Depending o…
Abam Kie is currently teaching English at a secondary school in Kelantan. He likes to write a blog during his free time to relieve his stress after teaching rowdy but good-natured teenagers. When he is not at school, you can find him taking care of his adorable daughters while reading some books, magazines and websites to equip himself with the latest TESL methodology.